Beloved Foundation Blog

Jeopardy — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 21, 2020
Alex Trebek, must loved host of Jeopardy!, has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Earlier this month he spoke candidly about how he has been doing since he diagnosis a year ago. He also talks about how happy he is to have reached the one year survival marker, which only 18% of those who are diagnosed reach.
Sunblock Heart Shape — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 15, 2020
Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in the United States. Rates are rising every year despite general knowledge of risk factors and precautions to take also rising.
Ball — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 15, 2020
"I never think of you as someone who had cancer" was said to Liza Bernstein after multiple cancer diagnoses. Later, during her third experience with cancer, in a haze of exhaustion and despair, she realized that it was impossible for cancer not to be a part of her identity. She asked herself, "Why should I cower in the denial of my experience because it inconveniences others?" From that moment, Liza decided to use her experiences and her identity for good, to help others. And she has continued to do just that since that moment in time.
Dandelion — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 15, 2020
When Mia Brister was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma, she was only 24 years old. She was in a great place in life and couldn't believe when doctors in the emergency room told her they had found tumors in her scan.
Heart Shape — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 7, 2020
Traditionally, it's been left to the family of a person who has died to write an obituary and create any memorial videos or mementos. But a new trend has emerged that has those who are ill creating their own videos, speeches and obituaries to be used.
Man Leaning on a Table — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 7, 2020
"Compassion Fatigue is a term used to describe a state that is experienced by all types of caregivers, after giving to the point of exhaustion and debilitation."
Beautiful Lady — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 7, 2020
Caregiving can be exhausting both mentally and physically. It can be hard to find time for a caregiver to take care of themselves, but even a few minutes can make a big difference on emotional well being.
Silhouette Family and Sunset — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 29, 2020
Lea Grover and her then fiance had been engaged for less than a day when he suffered a seizure that led to the diagnosis of glioblastoma.
Woman Using Her Laptop — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 29, 2020
Many who have been diagnosed with cancer want to, or may even need to continue working during treatment. For many, this is a distinct possibility and can be made easier with some accommodations.
Supporting Her Woman with Cancer — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 29, 2020
A beautiful piece by a caregiver reminding us that caregivers are already strong. They don't need to be told they need to 'be strong'. The inner strength it takes to care for a loved one going through cancer can't be measured in pounds or inches.
Eye Close Up — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 21, 2020
For years, the results of photodynamic therapy have stumped clinicians. In the cancer treatment, light is used to destroy malignant cells. But one of the side effects is strange: patients are often better able to see in the dark.
Julie Walters — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 21, 2020
18 months after a diagnosis of bowel cancer, Julie Walters shares her story. Known for her roles in Mama Mia and Harry Potter, the star had surgery and chemotherapy to treat stage 3 bowel cancer. She initially went to see her doctor with discomfort, but returned when it changed to pain.
Senior Couple Outdoor — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 21, 2020
Some clinical trials are now enrolling cancer caregivers to look at how best to alleviate the stress that caregivers face. With about 44 million family caregivers in the United States caring for a range of needs, it's vital that caregivers get the support they need.
VIP Area — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 14, 2020
When celebrities are open about their stage IV cancer diagnoses and the struggles they are facing, it brings attention to a topic that could otherwise be avoided. USA Today looks at what Stage IV means and how it impacts longevity and the chance of successful treatment. With celebrities such as Rush Limbaugh, Shannen Doherty and Alex Trebek all speaking openly about their own experiences, it will help many to understand what those in their own lives may be experiencing.
Black Coffee with Book — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 14, 2020
"Journaling is an intentional act of honest reflection about yourself and the things going on in your life. It can help cancer patients and caregivers navigate one of the most mentally challenging times in their lives." People who journal may experience increased memory retention, and the strengthening of relationships as they work through emotions and fears in their journaling.
Senior Holding Coins — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 14, 2020
Forbes Magazine recently published an article on a recent study showing that 25% of cancer survivors are struggling financially. The healthcare industry in the United States is financially draining for anyone with cancer, of that there is no doubt. But as Forbes points out, it's also important to take a look at the job stress and loss of wages that impact so many people.
Microscope — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 7, 2020
James Allison always approached things differently. But losing his mother at the age of ten to cancer helped pave the way to a life of research. After discovering how to co-opt the body's immune cells to attack and destroy tumors, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his pioneering work.
Bone Knee — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 7, 2020
We all know that bone health is a concern as we age, but treatments for cancer can also impact bone health. Certain chemotherapy drugs can reduce calcium levels in a person's body which can impact bone health. Radiation may also cause bone loss near the site of radiation.
Climb Tree — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 7, 2020
Children's Lives Include Moments of Bravery (CLIMB) is a program for children ages 6 to 11 whose parents or other close family members are diagnosed with cancer. Through art projects and discussion, CLIMB helps normalize feelings children may be having and nurtures positive communication between the child and parent.
Ballerina — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 31, 2020
Stephanie Bissonnette has been a dancer most of her life. And all of her career has been working towards being on Broadway. But, after reaching her dream, she started having headaches that sent her to the emergency room. She was soon diagnosed with Medulloblastoma, a rare form of cancer found more commonly in kids than in Stephanie's late 20s. She underwent two rounds of surgery and radiation, then spent nine months recovering before returning to her spot on Broadway in the Mean Girls show against the odds.
Collection of Beautiful Flower — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 31, 2020
It can be difficult to comprehend the number of different types of cancer out there. Even within one region, such as the breast, there are numerous types. A recent article from Self Magazine looks into Triple Negative Breast Cancer, what that means, and how it differs from other types of breast cancer.
Showing Support — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 31, 2020
A study published by the American Psychological Association states that "People who regularly care for or assist a family member or friend with health problems are more likely to neglect their own health, particularly by not having insurance or putting off necessary health services due to cost." It comes as no surprise to most of us that those who are in the caregiver role may neglect their own needs whether they are physical, mental or emotional needs.
Man Silhouette — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 31, 2020
Ali Fedotowsky, former Bachelorette star, recently shared her skin cancer journey on Instagram. She shared that she has basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin cancer. Six months ago, she had skin cells removed that were possibly cancerous before a new area above her hip was found more recently and diagnosed as basal call carcinoma. She encourages everyone to check your skin for changes and have yourself professional checked each year. Protect yourself and your skin.
Uterus — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 25, 2020
Ovarian cancer has been known as the silent killer because early signs and symptoms are often little more than minor irritations that can be passed off as something else.
Stones — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 25, 2020
When cancer treatment is no longer helping, or when you have been diagnosed with incurable cancer, it's important to remember that the next decisions are yours to make. How you live your remaining time is a decision you need to make with your medical care team and those you love. Palliative care focuses on quality of life and controlling pain and may be an option to discuss with your medical practitioners. Always remember that these decisions are ultimately yours.
Root Cellar — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 17, 2020
New England Cancer Specialists (NECS) added questions to their patient questionnaire about food security during cancer treatment. Food security is an issue when the high cost of cancer forces patients to choose between food and their treatment.
Greetings Card — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 17, 2020
It's easy to pour all your support into the person who is sick and overlook the care that the caregiver needs too. After all, only one person is undergoing treatment and side effects. But the caregiver's journey is exhausting, and they can use some care and support too. Whether the person who is ill is in the hospital or at home, these are a few ideas to offer your support:
Throat Cancer — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 17, 2020
Knowing the signs and symptoms of throat cancer may help with early diagnosis. Many of us know the common signs of largely talked about types of cancer, but we may not know the same for a cancer such as throat cancer which accounts for such a low percentage of cancer cases. Throat and oral cancer account for only 3% of cancers in the United States.
Holding Hands with Coffee — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 11, 2020
A cancer journey is a very personal thing, different for everyone. But there are some similarities and some information that it helps to know. In many cases, only someone who has been there can share this kind of information.
Surgery — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 11, 2020
An Australian company has created a hand-held imaging probe and console to help surgeons detect small remnants of cancer tumors during surgery for breast cancer. The aim is to assist surgeons and avoid repeat surgeries due to missed cancerous areas which currently occur in about one-quarter of women who undergo a lumpectomy.
Raspberries — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 11, 2020
In the 1990s, early research showed that people who had few antioxidants were at risk of cancer. Without further investigation, it was assumed by many that the more, the better. But with further study, it seems antioxidants are much more complex than initially realized and an over abundance of certain types of antioxidants can increase cancer risk in some people. The human body is complex, but it does appear that a healthy, balanced, and varied diet is still the recommendation.
Oliva Newton — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 3, 2020
Olivia Newton-John has long been open about her cancer. She began her breast cancer journey in 1992. She now has stage 4 cancer, and discusses her attitude, some of her treatments and her life with Survivornet in a recent interview. She encourages women to follow their instincts about their own bodies regardless of first comments or initial test results. She also says to stay positive, to train yourself to be positive if necessary.
Burnout — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 3, 2020
Burnout can happen to any caregiver. The responsibilities of the patient's finances, physical and mental health, and the day to day needs can wear on anyone in the caregiving role.
Tree Cash Concept — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder January 3, 2020
When diagnosed with cancer, the fear of the financial burden can be overwhelming. We don't know where to turn, what the options are, or who to ask for help.
Marcia Cross — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder December 28, 2019
Marcia Cross, well known for her role in Desperate Housewives, was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2017 and completed successful treatment nearly a year later. In an interview last summer, she said, "I know there are people who are ashamed. You have cancer! You have to then also feel ashamed? Like you did something bad, you know, because it took up residence in your anus?"
Pink Ribbon — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder December 28, 2019
When we think of changes in our breasts that might mean breast cancer, we inevitably think of a lump. But other signs that something is amiss should be known by everyone.
Woman Using Mobile Phone — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder December 22, 2019
Being a caregiver can be lonely, tiring and overwhelming. One caregiver shares some of the most helpful and thoughtful texts she received. If you don't know how to support a person in a caregiving role, one of these messages might give you some inspiration. From an offer of a specific errand, to a "just thinking of you" message, each one was special to the caregiver in its own way.
Woman Sleeping — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder December 22, 2019
The physical side of caring for a person with cancer can be overwhelming. With limited support once you're home from the hospital, it can be hard to remember all the instructions when faced with the actual tasks needed. From signs of infection, to lifting, to managing pain, a new video series from The American Cancer Society helps caregivers with some common topics.
Daisy Flower — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder December 14, 2019
Often, the emotional side of cancer for both patients and caregivers is overlooked in the hustle of doctors appointments, treatment appointments, the needs of daily living and the side effects treatments can bring. But it's key to acknowledge and treat the emotional side as well. Advice ranges from talking to someone who is not a family member and not directly impacted by the cancer, to modifying daily activities as needed to stay mentally healthy.
Be Kind — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder December 14, 2019
Random acts of kindness can brighten a day, or a month, or a year as these cancer survivors share! Rethink Breast Cancer recently asked members for the most memorable acts of kindness bestowed on them during their treatments. Some of the answers are tear jerkers.
Salad — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder December 14, 2019
It's not uncommon for a person who has cancer to ask themselves if they could have prevented the cancer in the first place. With all the news of methods to reduce your risk, many are left feeling as though they are to blame.
Running on a Bridge — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder December 9, 2019
Running was a passion before Jackie Carter was diagnosed with breast cancer. After a double mastectomy, she quickly got back to running, even running to appointments she was worried about. It became a stress-reliever and helped her manage the process and the anxiety surrounding her diagnosis and treatment.
Old Couple Sitting on a Wooden Chair — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder December 9, 2019
Lillian Dooies was forced to take an early retirement from teaching when she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. She shares five things that helped her regain her balance after a sudden, unexpected retirement including positive thinking, getting involved in a hobby or cause you're passionate about, and spend time with family and loved ones that you wouldn't have been able to spend had you still been working full time.
Different Types of Fruits — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder December 9, 2019
Caregivers share eight ways that you can reach out to someone in your life right now who is providing care for a relative or spouse. It can be hard to know what to say and how to help. Everyone feels unsure of how best to support those in a caregiving role.
Blank Chat Balloon — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 29, 2019
It's the same for most everyone. Sometimes it's hard to know what to say, especially when faced with unexpected health news. Although it can be hard, this list of what not to say may help you.
Christmas Lights — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 29, 2019
Christian Roach spent last Christmas knowing that something wasn't right before being diagnosed with testicular cancer in January. This year, he's raising awareness of the disease and trying to break through the stigma attached to testicular cancer with a display of 750 lights on his rooftop spelling out 'check yr nuts'.
Gifts — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 29, 2019
With Thanksgiving just finished and Christmas around the corner, now is the perfect time to look at how you're doing with the holidays, traditions, food, and people and make a plan for the coming month.
Sheryl Crow — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 24, 2019
An in-depth interview between Katie Couric and Sheryl Crow dives into Sheryl's experience of breast cancer.
Hallway — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 24, 2019
It's hard to keep track of some of the terms doctors use to describe cancer and treatment options. They aren't words we use regularly and it can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. Now, a new video series addresses many of the common words and phrases used, explaining what they mean in a way we can all understand. The videos address topics such as 'what is cancer', 'what is chemotherapy', 'what is chemotherapy maintenance' and many more. The link to the videos is below.
Woman Smiling — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 24, 2019
Cancer changes the person diagnosed and can have a huge impact on the people around them. Sometimes those relationships strengthen, sometimes they falter. Often new relationships are formed that might not otherwise have done so through support groups and hospital visits.
Whale — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 16, 2019
In theory, large animals with long life spans such as whales and elephants, should have high rates of cancer. But in fact, what we expect to see isn't what happens. Cancer occurs less frequently in these mammals than we would expect it to.
Orchid — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 16, 2019
Sometimes the best meaning people say the worst things when faced with news of your cancer diagnosis. We've all done it; stuck our foot in our mouth without meaning to.
Mandala — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 16, 2019
When Grace Lombardo received her diagnosis of breast cancer, she struggled with her new appearance and feelings of lack of control. After undergoing reconstructive surgery, she still didn't feel reconnected to her body. An article about a tattoo artist well-known for his beautiful mastectomy tattoos caught her attention and sent her on the road to her first tattoo. Receiving her tattoo on the first anniversary of her reconstructive surgery, she felt it brought her back to herself in many ways.
Autumn — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 9, 2019
Patrick Boll was diagnosed with prostate cancer on his birthday in 2017 after a few tests showing a lower than worrisome, but ever increasing PSA. He urges men to get their PSA checked and understand what prostate cancer is, the risks and the symptoms. After a few months of "surveillance", Patrick underwent surgery. He shares the honest truth about sexual fears and realities in this blog and in his cabaret show.
Mom and Child — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 9, 2019
It's in our nature to want to protect our children from bad news. But research shows that anxiety levels in children are higher when a cancer diagnosis isn't shared with them openly. Use age appropriate language and information. Children understand differing amounts at different ages. You know your own kids and you know what they understand, so use that knowledge. Model healthy coping and be honest in the answers to their questions.
Businessman Doing Transaction — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 9, 2019
Many undergoing treatments for cancer need to take time off work for a variety of emotional and physical reasons. Many of us spend our lives working without a thought to taking a leave of absence of any length. So how do you prepare for taking time off?
Couple — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 2, 2019
There is a lot to cope with when you're the carer for a person with cancer; doctors appointments, tests, physical changes. But what happens when the changes are in their personality?
Laser — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 2, 2019
Many who have gone through cancer treatment find themselves still in pain after all their treatment is finished. They may have impaired functioning or be living with chronic pain. What many don't know is that they can get a referral for rehabilitation therapies that can ease the pain and increase functioning.
Bird — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder November 2, 2019
Anyone diagnosed and going through cancer treatment longs for the day they are called a "survivor". But what if we turn the tables upside down and realize that from the time you're told you have cancer, you're a survivor?
Exhaustion — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder October 25, 2019
Between 70 and 80% of people going through cancer treatments experience extreme fatigue. When this is the case, kickstarting your day can seem overwhelming.
Nuts — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder October 25, 2019
While there is still no definite guideline for minimizing or avoiding "chemo brain", there have been studies showing a link between what is being eaten and the fog that many experience during cancer treatments.
Water Color — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder October 25, 2019
A new study by researchers from both Drexel University's Creative Art Therapies department in the College of Nursing and Health Professions, and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania showed how coloring and open-studio therapy can help caregivers of cancer patients with stress.
Olive Oil — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder October 20, 2019
Precision medicine, or personalized medicine exploit the unique genetic makeup of each cancer to create a more specific, targeted treatment.
Yoga Treatment — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder October 20, 2019
Yoga has long been touted as good for your mind and body. A new program has been introduced that targets those healing from cancer treatments. With the ability to increase blood flow, clear out toxins, and enhance lymphatic flow, yoga can help those recovering from cancer and the treatments that often take time to get over. Yoga can also help to lessen anxiety and tension which so many of us struggle with during diagnosis and treatment.
Beautiful Flower — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder October 20, 2019
A 2012 study showed that patients lived 25% longer when end of life preferences were discussed at diagnosis. The researchers who ran the study asked questions relating to quality of life, and where they will draw the line between what they will accept and not accept in terms of care and quality of life.
Boy Crying — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder October 13, 2019
Cancer can bring about all sorts of unwelcome topics. It might be the type of cancer a person has, or side effects from treatment, but there can be a lot of topics surrounding cancer that seem taboo in today's society. But in order to get the best possible medical treatment and support from family and friends, it's important to move past the uncomfortable topics and be open with those who need to know. You aren't alone. And your doctor has heard it all before.
Holding Hands — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder October 13, 2019
A recent study looked at the help received by primary caregivers of people with serious illnesses. The outcome of the study recommends that caregiving should "expand from the patient to the family unit."
Cash and Academic Cap — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder October 13, 2019
The U.S Education Department is now accepting applications for loan deferrals from people who are undergoing cancer therapies. The news was announced a few weeks ago and the form for the application can be found here.
Microphone — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder September 28, 2019
Rethink breast cancer compiled a list of their top 5 favourite podcasts on cancer. If you’re a podcast listener, you might want to add one or five of these to your playlist.
Puzzle — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder September 28, 2019
For anyone dealing with cancer therapies, ‘chemo brain’ as it’s been coined, may impact your life. What is it and how does it affect people?
Tea — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder September 28, 2019
It can feel nearly impossible to relax sometimes. But it’s imperative for our minds and our bodies that we find ways to help us relax.
Baby Feet — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder September 28, 2019
Beth Gainer was a young woman with hopes of a family when she was diagnosed with cancer. Her treatment regime gave her a 1% chance of infertility post treatment. She was one of the 1%.
Test Tubes — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder September 28, 2019
A recent study, published in Radiology asked patients about their willingness to go to a doctor’s appointment, and the wait time to get an appointment versus the ability to access test results online much quicker. Some were surprised at the results – many would prefer to meet with a medical professional, if the wait wasn’t extreme.
DNA Cartoon — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder September 28, 2019
Precision medicine, or personalized medicine exploit the unique genetic makeup of each cancer to create a more specific, targeted treatment.
Family and Sunset — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder September 17, 2019
This honest post from a mom with bone mets is heart wrenching, but also uplifting and inspiring. From first understanding that the new diagnosis has no cure, to learning to live with the changes that it brings about in medications, symptoms, emotional health and relationships, the author gets real with the reader about it all.
Business Man — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder September 17, 2019
In the first small group study of 15 men, 13 show no signs of cancer one year after treatment. Through a new procedure involving gold nanoparticles and focal therapy, patients were able to avoid chemotherapy, radiation and other treatments with difficult side effects.
Empathy — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder September 17, 2019
If you find it difficult to differentiate between sympathy, empathy, and compassion, this article is for you. Giving examples of how each could be shown, the author refers to the work of Brene Brown to explain the differences. She then delves into how to have and show compassion for others, something that many of us miss with our busy lives and the technology that keeps us constantly distracted.
Hand — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder August 26, 2019
It should have been enough to help her daughter through a cancer diagnosis, but a few years after her daughter finished treatments, Dr. Diane Kashin was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Acrobats — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder August 26, 2019
Grace Wethor was only 13 when she was diagnosed with an untreatable form of brain cancer. At that age, she was already involved in art, figure skating and circus performing, and she certainly hasn’t let her diagnosis, and 8% chance of survival keep her from experiencing life.
Vegetables — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder August 26, 2019
Cancer is caused by numerous risk factors, many of which we can’t control. But approximately 20% of cancer in the United States may be linked to diet, inactivity, carrying excess weight, or excessive alcohol consumption.
Couple Hugging — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder August 26, 2019
In support of World Cancer Support Month, we’d like to share this quick article on what to say to someone who is hurting, whether they are dealing with a new cancer diagnosis, difficult treatments, or caregiving responsibilities.
Manicure — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder August 26, 2019
Yoga is good for mind, body and spirit, and it can be tailored to help those dealing with cancer treatments or recovery from treatments.
Woman Doing Yoga — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder August 26, 2019
For many years, after treatments for breast cancer, survivors were told not to do a large variety of tasks including lifting more than 5lbs, gardening, and getting a manicure because it was thought that these activities could lead to lymphoedema, a painful swelling of the arm and sometimes a thickening of the skin. But new research is showing that with some care, all previously restricted activities can be undertaken
By websitebuilder August 4, 2019
Exercise is good for more than just the body. Michelle Stravitz, co-founder of an organization helping women with cancer incorporate exercise into their lives, gives some helpful advice on achieving mindfulness through movement in this article. Whether it be practicing yoga, walking around the block, taking a dance class or any other form of movement that you enjoy, there are so many benefits in using any form of exercise to help concentrate on the moment.
By websitebuilder August 2, 2019
Music lovers unite. A music therapist and registered psychotherapist discusses the many positive benefits on people undergoing cancer treatments in this article.
By websitebuilder August 1, 2019
There is no easy way to say it – being a caregiver for someone with cancer is difficult. The American Cancer Society has some good advice for anyone in the position of caregiver covering everything from the feelings you might experience, ways to take care of yourself while still taking on the caregiving, how to get help from both family and professionals and caring for children at the same time.
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