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Program For Children At Beloved Foundation

websitebuilder • February 7, 2020
Climb Tree — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
Children's Lives Include Moments of Bravery (CLIMB) is a program for children ages 6 to 11 whose parents or other close family members are diagnosed with cancer. Through art projects and discussion, CLIMB helps normalize feelings children may be having and nurtures positive communication between the child and parent. 

The upcoming sessions will be run every Wednesday at 6 p.m. beginning April 8th running until May 13th. It is free to attend, but children must be registered. Please call Samantha Chambers at 909-792-3191 to register or for more information on the program.
Jeopardy — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 21, 2020
Alex Trebek, must loved host of Jeopardy!, has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Earlier this month he spoke candidly about how he has been doing since he diagnosis a year ago. He also talks about how happy he is to have reached the one year survival marker, which only 18% of those who are diagnosed reach.
Sunblock Heart Shape — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 15, 2020
Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in the United States. Rates are rising every year despite general knowledge of risk factors and precautions to take also rising.
Ball — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 15, 2020
"I never think of you as someone who had cancer" was said to Liza Bernstein after multiple cancer diagnoses. Later, during her third experience with cancer, in a haze of exhaustion and despair, she realized that it was impossible for cancer not to be a part of her identity. She asked herself, "Why should I cower in the denial of my experience because it inconveniences others?" From that moment, Liza decided to use her experiences and her identity for good, to help others. And she has continued to do just that since that moment in time.
Dandelion — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 15, 2020
When Mia Brister was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma, she was only 24 years old. She was in a great place in life and couldn't believe when doctors in the emergency room told her they had found tumors in her scan.
Heart Shape — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 7, 2020
Traditionally, it's been left to the family of a person who has died to write an obituary and create any memorial videos or mementos. But a new trend has emerged that has those who are ill creating their own videos, speeches and obituaries to be used.
Man Leaning on a Table — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 7, 2020
"Compassion Fatigue is a term used to describe a state that is experienced by all types of caregivers, after giving to the point of exhaustion and debilitation."
Beautiful Lady — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder March 7, 2020
Caregiving can be exhausting both mentally and physically. It can be hard to find time for a caregiver to take care of themselves, but even a few minutes can make a big difference on emotional well being.
Silhouette Family and Sunset — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 29, 2020
Lea Grover and her then fiance had been engaged for less than a day when he suffered a seizure that led to the diagnosis of glioblastoma.
Woman Using Her Laptop — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 29, 2020
Many who have been diagnosed with cancer want to, or may even need to continue working during treatment. For many, this is a distinct possibility and can be made easier with some accommodations.
Supporting Her Woman with Cancer — Redlands, CA — Beloved Foundation
By websitebuilder February 29, 2020
A beautiful piece by a caregiver reminding us that caregivers are already strong. They don't need to be told they need to 'be strong'. The inner strength it takes to care for a loved one going through cancer can't be measured in pounds or inches.
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